This One Is For All The Fathers

The doorbell rang the other day, and two young men stood before me. I say young men because neither of them had to be above 25 years of age. They were salesmen trying to get me to buy into what they were selling. As we talked, one of my daughters approached me to see whoContinue reading “This One Is For All The Fathers”

What’s Your Code?

Different military branches hold to a moral/ethical code, an ethos, or in the case of the Vikings, laws. These codes and laws dictate and determine decision making, actions of the individual, and overall quality of life. Most branches of the military require their cadets to learn and memorize their branch’s code of conduct. What fascinatesContinue reading “What’s Your Code?”

Recognize Your People

Tom had a great idea to bring more community involvement to his organization. He researched and planned everything it would take to make his idea successful. He then brought his idea to his leadership, and they gave him the green light. He spent hours putting together materials, volunteers, and speaking with the right people toContinue reading “Recognize Your People”

A Super Bowl Leader

If you were like me, and 280 million other people, Sunday was spent watching two football teams go head to head to see who was the best in the 2023 NFL season. Whether you were rooting for the Chiefs or the Eagles, one thing is for sure, they put on a fantastic show for theirContinue reading “A Super Bowl Leader”

Are You Still Growing?

There is a quote that says, “The only person you need to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” This quote is a good reminder of not falling into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. However, it is also a good reminder that we should always be in a state of growthContinue reading “Are You Still Growing?”

The Power of Awareness

Book: How To Lead When You’re Not In ChargeAuthor: Clay Scroggins Quote: “Don’t underestimate the power of awareness; it’s the first aid for ignorance.” How aware are you of your interactions with those around you? Do you ever consider how your actions and words might be perceived by others? I would wager that the majority ofContinue reading “The Power of Awareness”

Impact Over Platform

Book: The Mentor LeaderAuthor: Tony Dungy Quote: “Don’t worry about your platform; focus on your impact.” “Leadership is about influence.” This statement has been stated by Brad Lomenick, Jocko Willink, John C. Maxwell, Tony Dungy, and many others. If leadership is about influence, then it is not about titles or positions. So many people, my previousContinue reading “Impact Over Platform”


I am excited to announce that I will be starting a new series for my blog. Over the past few years, I have read a multitude of books. As I read, I always have one very important tool with me…a highlighter. As I read, I highlight important ideas or statements that stick out to meContinue reading “NEW SERIES COMING SOON!”

I Can’t Stress Enough…

I was sitting and talking with a friend the other day, and I was perplexed to listen to her describe her interactions with her upper management. My friend has a fancy title and she tries hard to do what is needed for her team, but she has found it difficult to deal with some ofContinue reading “I Can’t Stress Enough…”

The Quiet Leader

“Pay less attention to what men say. Just watch what they do” (Dale Carnegie). Who we are is less about what we say and more about what we do. In today’s society, there is a lot of talk. We have become conditioned to always have something to say or respond to things of which weContinue reading “The Quiet Leader”